An age-old debate familiar to those with an interest in home improvement, we at DW Windows settled on our preference between uPVC and aluminium windows a long time ago. Resoundingly, uPVC windows prove to be the best choice! Especially when considering how far the material has come since the 1980s, the “uPVC vs Aluminium” argument moves swiftly in favour of the former. Let’s look at why:

Energy performance

Window Installers in the West Midlands

Though windows engineered in premium aluminium deliver performance levels which more than meet the industry standard, at DW Windows, even our uPVC casement frames are installed to be A+13 rated. Thermal retention of this calibre wasn’t previously possible with the uPVC of the past, but the multi-chambered profiles of new designs gives any precious warmth a far tougher time at escaping the home.

Our uPVC windows easily fall under Liniar’s EnergyPlus scheme, meaning that they do a sufficient job at making your home’s heating go further. This reduction in energy consumption means creating comfortable living spaces free from cold spots and draughts, lowering heating bills thanks to less of a reliance on artificial heating methods. Needless to say, uPVC windows in our range do a great job at insulating households.


uPVC, by its very nature, is a wholly flexible material. This means that multiple window styles and shapes can easily be formed at the engineering stage, with tilt & turn, sliding sash, and bay window styles being some of the most popular. Aluminium might be strong, but it’s much more rigid and harder to adapt. uPVC windows can be turnaround much quicker and is suitable for both new and old properties.

white uPVC windows


Ideal for those with lofty home improvement ambitions in mind, as well as those who prefer to keep budgets low, uPVC windows outright beat aluminium in terms of affordability every time. Complete with a 10 year guarantee to further give homeowners investment peace of mind, our selection of uPVC windows hold a lot of value and are covered against natural damage.


Highly flexible uPVC windows from the DW team

Hopefully we’ve helped highlight the ways in which uPVC has evolved to not only match, but far out exceed the features of aluminium windows. If you’d like to learn more about the uPVC vs aluminium debate or are in the market for a window replacement yourself, contact us today.

Paul Coyne

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