Casement Window Installers

Though the Summer nights have well and truly ended and Winter is rolling near, there’s never a bad to time to prep your garden in time for next year. Garnering ideas in time for when the sun makes its next fully-fledged appearance. To do this, it’s important to settle on what makes up the core of your garden’s look, whether that’s via patio doors or your plantation preferences.

It’s all about the plants, bushes, and greenery

Of course, the best place to start when wanting to achieve that perfect look with your outside living space, is to determine the types of plants, herbs, bushes, and flowers to integrate into your garden. Different people use their garden for different applications, and depending on whether you’re planning to go for beauty or growth might determine how you make your decisions.

We’d recommend investing in perennials for your garden as they come back to flourish year after year. Blooming for a minimum of at least two weeks or sometimes even lasting for the entire season, they aren’t the most affordable but represent a sound investment over time. Shrub borders are also a low maintenance alternative to conventional flower borders, still filling up your garden’s landscape with light and beauty.

Enjoy exceptional views with the right style of patio doors

What good’s an exceptional garden if you’re unable to enjoy it? Patio doors act as the perfect remedy to this issue, and also allows for you to stay comfortable inside should it ever be slightly too chilly to venture out. We at DW Windows thankfully know a thing or two about patio doors, and would highly suggest opting for a design with minimal sight lines and large glass panels.

Flooding living spaces with light as well as providing generous views showing all of your hard work, bifold doors, French doors, and sliding patio doors all excel, but differ slightly in terms of function. French doors, for example, feature two outwards-opening panels that double up as dividers will sliding patio doors never take up space. Likewise, bifold doors natural glide to make for easy transitions, so there’s plenty of options.

DW Windows: Helping homeowners make the most of their garden

Planning the core look of your garden should be an exciting and thrilling experience. While, daunting, we hope to have ironed out any existing stresses by starting you of the right (garden) path with the tips above. For more information about how patio doors in particular are key to the process, feel free to contact the DW Windows team today.

Paul Coyne

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