In these unprecedented times, it’s been heart-warming to see people posting different ideas on how we can all work together – while life as we know it is very different. It’s without a doubt that the next few weeks will have an influence on how we live and work forever. But we know that there will be many positives that come out of these uncertain times.

Here at DW Windows we’re not just a great team, but we are a team who love to help our customers improve and transform their homes. Maybe having more time at home is enabling you to look at it in a different way or maybe you’re appreciating it a little more? Either way, we thought we’d bring together the best ideas that we’ve seen and heard (so far) to help you to stay safe, keep well and enjoy the coming weeks at home despite the circumstances. We hope you enjoy them, and if you can add any more, we would love to hear from you.

Learn something new

Learn something new

Many different learning organisations are now making their resources available for free, especially to help with home schooling. Even with no children in the house, there is never a better time to learn a new skill. Check out websites like or, where there are loads of FREE courses you can enrol on to top up your skills.

Go to the VIRTUAL zoo!

There are many zoos all over the world that have webcams, that you can watch your favourite animals on from the comfort of your own home. Simply Google “virtual zoo” and you will be able to find many things to see – we love watching the pandas, they’re such fascinating animals! Most are free to watch, but you can also make a small donation if you wish.

Clean…. your windows

Not even the window cleaner will be doing his rounds during this time. Remember that uPVC windows are a low-maintenance product that are easy to clean. Even though they’re suitable for every type of weather, they will eventually get dirty as dust and grime builds up on them over time.

White uPVC Windows

The best way to clean uPVC windows is to:

  • Open the window as far as you can and remove any built-up dirt, by vacuuming in every alcove – including the hinge or opening mechanism. Use a soft brush nozzle to minimise the risk of scratching.
  • Use warm soapy water (washing up liquid is ideal) and a soft cloth or sponge to wipe down the dirty window. Do not use scouring pads or cream cleaners, as they can scratch the uPVC and remove its ‘glossy’ finish.
  • Remove any excess water and dry using a clean and non-abrasive cloth, such as a tea towel or kitchen roll.

If cleaning your windows makes you realise that its time to renew them, that’s where we can help.

uPVC Window Maintenance Guide

Have a clear out

If you’re one of those people who just never has time for a clear out, there really is no time like the present. Not only can it make your rooms seem more spacious and open, it can also make you feel a little lighter too. Many would say that if you’re holding onto something you haven’t used for over 12 months, then it’s time to pass it onto someone who will.

Enjoy your outside space

Conservatory Offers in the West Midlands

While we know not everyone is green fingered, getting fresh air and a dose of vitamin D is important for everyone’s health and well-being. This period of staying at home can be a real opportunity to just enjoy your garden space in a new way. You could teach your children about insects or set them homework to find more – it’s all about enjoying the small things that can sometimes be taken for granted. If you prefer to stay inside and enjoy the view, why not consider changing your old patio door to bi-fold doors, to open-up your view into the garden and create the illusion of more space? You won’t see any pandas, but you might get to see a local fox!

Try an exercise class

I know, I know they’re closed! But why should that stop you from doing exercise at home? If you’ve always wanted to try a class and have been too self-conscious of being a bit off balance or not liking the instructor, chances are you’ll be able to get a glimpse of what you’ve been missing out on by doing it at home. You never know, you may love it so much that you can’t wait to join a class when it’s open again!

Don’t fancy it? They why not just do some simple exercises like leg raises, step ups and shoulder rolling? They all help to keep our body supple and active.

Related to this topic: 13 creative home exercises to do when working from home


Enjoy some live music

The number of artists, both famous and local bands, taking to social media to live stream and perform is increasing every day. Local up-and-coming DJ’s are also taking to social media to play their tunes all day and night to keep us entertained, so see what you can find out there that’s new. For the older generation, you could always see what vinyl you have in the loft – the only question is “do you have a record player”!? If you don’t fancy anything, then there’s always ALEXA!

Explore something different online

Museums, for example, all across the globe are now offering you the opportunity to go on a virtual tour, so you can have a rare chance to see the exhibits up close and personal. Even better when you don’t have to queue or pay!

Take on a reading challenge

Through the pages of a book you can escape into a fictional world or dive into factual and educational books to brush up your knowledge. There are so many books to read and many of them are free or cheap to purchase online, if you look out for the offers, especially ones to download. Even the ones you pay for are a true investment in YOU, so definitely worth exploring. Why not pick up a book at home you haven’t yet read and start it now?

Get connected with friends & family

phone and laptop

How often do we say “we must catch up” but then life just keeps us too busy to set the date and time? There are so many ways you can engage via video call in this digital age, including Skype, WhatsApp and Zoom; most of us will have probably used at least one of these to connect at work. Have you tried the the app “House Party”? It’s free, fun and means no more excuses not to connect with the ones you love!

If you have family who haven’t yet embraced video technology, then take time to show them how. They will love being able to see you at this very isolating time.

Cook a new dish

With so much talk of low stock at the supermarket, take it as an opportunity to delve to the back of your kitchen cupboard and be creative. We all have something that we have in there that only gets eaten when its running short on its date. Google alternatives you can create and next time you do get in the supermarket pick up something you have never tried before; the possibilities are endless!

Revisit your home wish-list

DW Windows Ltd Home Improvements

Now is a great time to reflect on any changes you’d like to make to your home. Maybe you’ve thought about extending your property but just haven’t got around to looking further into it, fearing that it will cost a fortune? Write a list today of all the things that you would love to do with your home. Conservatories are a great way to extend, without the hassle and expense. Depending on your requirements, most do not need planning permission or building regulations and cost a lot less than you might think. We’d be happy to help you further on this.

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading this and helped you to make the most of your time at home. Focus on what matters most; you, your loved ones and your home.

With best wishes, from Dave and the DW Windows team.

Paul Coyne

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